Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Appointment slots in Google Calendar - Grantmaker use

Google came out with an announcement yesterday about the rolling out of a new appointment slot option in Google Calendar. But how can this help you if you are a grantmaker? As a professional who needs to set up appointments with grantees to discuss issues with a grant or arrange for a site visit, how much work and time does it take to set these appointments up? More than likely you probably delegate the scheduling of these events to a program manager or a program assistant. Scheduling appointments requires them to call back and forth until each person can agree on a day and time that works best for both.

Well, how about making use of Google Calendar's new appointment slot option? You can create a calendar and send the link to grantees who are interested in connecting with you. In fact, you could provide a link on a website and direct grantees to review your grantee calendar and select an appointment slot that works best for them. This new feature could save a lot of back and forth and help your program assistants and managers make better use of the time they used to spend scheduling visits and grantee teleconferences.

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